Official moving day is today!!!! Baldocchi's are moving to a fabulous new home on chestnut in manhattan beach. I went and checked out the new pad a couple days ago. Cutest neighborhood, great backyard and although it needs some work, it is going to be a perfect home her family. After she tears some walls down, paints, extends some hallways and updates the bathrooms and kitchen, it is going to look perfect!!! For those of you that don't know, Alli has an amazing talent for decorating and putting things together... I can't wait for all the memories to come in the new Baldocchi home.
Here are some "before" pics... I thought I took one of the front but I guess I didn't? Going over there tomorrow so I will be sure to get one! But for now...
The backyard... the person that lived there had about 266 potted plants that need new homes... any takers???

The living room....

OLD SCHOOL can opener, mounted on the cabinets in the kitchen... do they even still make these???

BEST feature of the house... no, it's not a water heater... this is the DOORBELL!!! About 1ft by 1/2ft, mounted to the wall... a new song is played each time someone rings the doorbell... Classic!!!